Thursday, March 17, 2005


Spring has suddenly appeared. One day it was snowing, the next it cleared up, and now we've had three days of beautiful blue skies. Its been hot- at the beginning of the week I went to school with a scarf, a sweatshirt, and a skicoat, as well as mittens. Now its down to just a t-shirt in the afternoons. I'm completely shocked at the fast turnaround. I realize now how much I've been waiting for the sun to come. I've loved the snow, its pretty, snowboarding is fun, but I'm ready to swim in the lake (that'll take a few months though). On Wednesday afternoon I met up with a few exchange students and a few French kids and sat around on the Paquier (a big grassy park next to the lake in the center of town) and did nothing at all. I got a sunburn. And then I went with Molly and Maite and bought the first icecream of the season! Today was more of the same, I didn't have history class so in the morning I went with some friends to a cafe and sat around in the sun, and then at lunch I ate on the paquier with different friends. The paquier is where EVERYONE goes, its crammed with kids at lunch, and I can walk around and see people I know from all the different schools in the city.

Tomorrow I go to Paris with all the other Rotary Exchanges in France!!