Tuesday, March 01, 2005
back to school
Winter break has just ended and everyone in Zone A is back in school, working away. And its still cold, if possible, even colder that it used to be. It was -12° C this morning, and got up to 0° C, which isn't too warm. I really shouldn't complain I guess, this weekend when I was snowboarding at Les Arcs it was down to -20°. I forgot a scarf so my cheeks and nose got white and freezing. School is normal and boring. We're beginning to get tests back, I got a 14 on my math test, which I'm pretty proud of, I could have gotten a 15, but somehow I thought 2-1=3 (it doesn't) which set all my calculations for one problem off. The girl I helped out only got a 4 on the test, which is a bit dissapointing. I ate lunch in the vielle ville with some of my friends, we bought kebabs frites, which is a turkish specialty you can find all over Annecy. The kebab is lettuce, tomatoes,meat, and sauce in a pita. The meat is cooked on this big rotating stick (like a kebab you make on the grill, but HUGE) and they shave it off in flakes. The Kebab frites also has a pile of french fries on top. It costs 4-5€, and its kinda heavy, but it tastes delicious. We sat on a fountain and ate our Kebabs, which seems to be such a European thing. Back at my school I will not be sitting on a fountain amongst buildings that are hundreds of years old eating a kebab. I also mentioned to my friends that I don't have a third host family, and if they know of anyone who wants and exchange student, I'm up for it. I won't mind staying with my family at all, but I've gotten to think that changing host families is a good deal.