Springtime has tricked us once again, at the beginning of the week we were sitting around in the sun, and now its raining like crazy, and I think its been snowing in the mountains. I'm sure its all going to stop soon... I hope, the spring was looking pretty good to me.
Wednesday I went with my friend Max and his mom to a performance at the big theater in Annecy. It was called Plan B, and it was AMAZING. I'm not even really sure how I can describe it. It was a circus with four men. But not a real circus...really. There was no talking, which was great for me cause I understood the whole thing. The main set peice was this big wall thing, which at one point was horizontal, at another point was vertical, and at another it was flat. When it was horizontal the men were doing flips on it, sideways, lying down, and there were little boxes and holes that were sometimes there and sometimes not, that made it more exciting. When it was vertical they climbed, did flips, etc, to get to the top. And when it was flat on the stage there was a big screen up in the back and there were video cameras up above taping what was happening on the wall on the ground, the men would be flat on the wall, doing fight scenes and flips and stuff so it looked like they were flying through the air on the big screen. I'm terrible at trying to explain it. Take my word for it that it was very cool.
Joyeux Anni Hugo!