My Spring Break has been just as boring as I expected, I spent Sunday through Tuesday sitting around inside, reading, watching tv, being bored, as it rained/snowed outside. The weather has been truely terrible. After the first day where we got pounded with snow, it warmed up, all the snow melted quickly, and it rained and rained. Yesterday I finally managed to get outside the house. I met up with Noelle, an exchange student not with Rotary, who is from Montana. We walked around, shopped (but bought nothing, because we are so poor), and sat in a cafe and gossipped in English for a couple hours. Thats something I don't do often, in general, I talk to the other exchange students in French. Its easier to talk to them in French than a French person because they don't focus so much on every word, just the general idea. And I can learn lots of new phrases from them because its much easier to ask what something means. Today I'm going to be sitting around again, but I'm going to put myself to work. I have my presentation of Seattle to my rotary club in three weeks, and in two weeks I'm going to give a little "American Night" at my school with the help of Rachel. We'll both give our Rotary Presentations to our classmates and feed them American food her parents brought over, the Mexican girls did a similar thing earlier in the year. So today's challenge is going to be putting together a powerpoint presentation with pics of Seattle and stuff. Then I'll work on writing out the script of what I'll say in French (and have my friends edit it). I've been quite lazy with French this break, I've been constantly listening to music in English and I've become addicted to the book The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. My mom sent it to me months ago, there is a essay contest I can enter when I finish reading it. (I actually found out that the contests deadline was last week, but there's always next year). I've been only reading in French, so I didn't have the time, but I just finished Harry Potter and I figured I could take a break and read a little in English. But now I can't stop, and the book is nearly 700 pages long... I must do something in French today!
Tomorrow we're going to take advantage of the fresh snow and go skiing at Les Arcs, and then Saturday we're going shopping in Lyon.