Sunday, April 10, 2005

I woke up today with a sore back, it wasn't a bad sore back that means I slept wrong, it was a good sore that meant my muscles had gotten a work out the day before. It snowed the night before last, so we couldn't go running around on the mountain in gym class, instead we did cirque. I'm terrible at cirque. I spent the first 30 minutes wishing I skipped class, I mean, school on Saturday is cruel and unusual punishment to begin with. I think cirque is just an excuse for something to do if the gym teacher is feeling lazy, cause all she has to do is sit there. In cirque we juggle, balance on boards, and use little unicycle things. These are all things I happen to be terrible at. The tried to teach me to juggle, not realizing that people have been trying to teach me to juggle for the past 13 years. After a while I actually managed to do this group juggling thing, but I messed up a lot. Towards the end everyone just got bored and kinda sat around or ran and did flips off a trampoline onto the mat. I went over and started playing on the balance beam (I did the splits on it, people freaked out). And then tried out the parallel bars. My gym teacher saw I was interested, so she showed me some stuff on the uneven bars as everyone else sat around. I learned a mount and she showed me how to get enough momentum to swing my body around the bar. It was REALLY difficult, and I know I was only doing basic things but it took a lot of effort, I definetly have more respect for gymnasts now, they make it look so easy.

Tomorrow my class is going on a daytrip to Geneva. We're going to go to the Voltaire foundation and then hang around in the afternoon in town. It just so happens that my friend Andy, and exchange student in Italy, is on a miniexchange through his school and will be in Geneva. We're hoping that we'll be able to connect in the afternoon for a little bit.

According to what people say in emails, and through statistic trackers, I know that people are reading this blog. So my question is, why don't you leave comments? I hate taking all the effort to write entries and then not have people tell me they read it, I feel like I'm wasting my time. Thats why I haven't been making so many entries recently. Its not difficult, just click the comments link under this post. I'd really appreciate it! And to those of you who already do it, thanks a ton.