All has been going well with my new family, I have nothing much to report on.
This week we're having les epreuves communes, tests, again. I didn't have to go to school today (the french kids took a French test for four hours). Tomorrow I have a two hour math test and then a physique/sciences de la vie et de la terre test for another hour and a half. Math'll be fine for me, I'm much more advanced than them. But science... everything on the test is something that we did at the very beginning of the year, when I payed no attention and did nothing. I'm putting forth an effort, but there is no possible way I can learn all about alimentation and procreation in one night. I only have to go to school in the afternoon on Friday to take a English test for three hours. Then Saturday I only have an hour in the morning! Its pretty nice.
Wednesday afternoon I went into town to eat with other exchange students. After listening to my ipod, Eric came to the conclusion that he had waited long enough and he had to have one of his own, at that very moment. So the two of us went to FNAC. He looked at all the other models and I convinced him the ipod was the best choice and he decided to buy it. We went to a cash machine to get money. It ate his card and then broke. We were both extremely dissappointed.