Tuesday, January 11, 2005

I had such a great weekend. It was very busy, but so fun. On Saturday after school I went with my friends Colombe, William, and Hugo and ate lunch at Quick. Quick is sorta like the French McDonalds. After that we all took the bus to Hugo's and played video games and hung out, which was really fun. Its been a while since I've been able to just sit around with friends and relax, I've missed that and I'm glad I'm finally at the point where I can start doing it over here.

On Sunday we went with the Ski Club again, this time to a place about two hours away called Flaine. The day was sunny and clear and the view was amazing, but, once again, the snow was terrible. Even worse this time than last week cause it was kind of icy. I spent the day with my host sister and two of her friends and eventually we randomly ran into a friend of mine from school and went down a few runs with him. Everyone was much, much better than me, which was a little frustrating. I have to remind myself that after going snowboarding every week until April I'll be good too.

School's been boring and normal. Tomorrow huge sales start in Annecy- like 30-70% off- I'm going to be spending lots of money. Tomorrow is also my friend Zara's last day in France. She leaves for Australia on Thursday. We'll go out to lunch with all the exchanges and then go shopping. I'm going to miss her a lot.