Another day of snowboarding behind me, and I forgot my camera. Sorry. It was a beautiful day, not a cloud in sight, mountains all around. I'll definetly remember it next weekend when I go for my winter Rotary weekend at Valloire. It'll be nice to see all the exchange students again, plus the new batch of Australians, South Africans, and New Zealanders(?), Kiwis, whatever. Today was great, I really think I've improved in the past few weeks, I'm not fantastic, but really the thing I need to work on the most is just going faster, the rest of the people I go with are all very fast. Another thing I need to conquer is the rope tow. I hate that thing. I CAN'T DO IT! I try and try (seriously, I went like 5 or six times today) and end up falling everytime. Its so embarrassing. I'm gradually getting better at it, when I first tried I was on my face in a second. Now I get about halfway up the run and crash and burn. Its difficult on the snowboard, but I still think it shouldn't be THIS difficult. Something is wrong with me.
Back to school tomorrow, and I'm happy about it. I'm always happy to go to school now, though I know I'll have to sit through hours of boring classes in a language I still struggle with (mais c'est mieux!! J'espère que j'arrive à comprends bientôt), its the times between classes and at lunch that I can hang out with my friends that is so great. And I have photography tomorrow, which is nice because its a mix of classes so I'll get to be with some friends who aren't in Première L. Maybe we'll have more than four cameras for the thirty kids this time.