I've been doing a lot recently and have had a lot of blogworthy things to mention, but I just haven't had the time to come online and post. I'll do my best now, but I'm exhausted.
In class on Wednesday we disected cow eyeballs. I worked in a group with my friends William and Colombe, William was a trooper at first, cutting away the excess "stuff" from the eye, but soon got really grossed out, so Colombe and I took over. She squeezed the eyeball as I slashed at it with the little knife (scalpel?) when liquid started oozing out we both audibly expressed how disgusting it was and I went "EWWWWWWWW!" Which caused her to ask William and I what "ew" meant. I thought that was a universal sound that people made when they were grossed out, I guess not. I explained it was like "C'est degueulasse".
That afternoon I took off with a bunch of exchange students. A small group of us took the bus to Zara's school, Baudelaire, because though we all heard about it, no one ever had seen it, it was a really cool school. Then we all bought lunch and ate it at Bonlieu (this building which really serves as the center of EVERYTHING in Annecy, kinda like Westlake in Seattle). Our big plan for the day was to head to the Imperial Hotel and go iceskating, when we arrived at the Imperial we saw that the ice rink they had set up was the size of a postage stamp, and filled with kids ranging in age from 4 to 8. We hit the Marché de Noel that was inside the Imperial instead, a big Christmas craft market-esque thing, and also saw the reindeer they had there for the public to look at. After all this we headed back into Annecy on the "Petit Train de Noël", this little touristy train thing that goes around the city. It was a really fun afternoon, a little dissappointing because the ice skating thing didn't happen, but we'll go to the actual Patinoire some other time.
Thursday was a long day. In history class we watched "The Party" (Peter Sellers), because it is nearly vacation and we needed to relax a bit. The tape was in English with French subtitles which was really nice for me. I've mentioned before how sometimes the subtitles don't really line up in the two languages and I laugh when other people don't, the samething happened yesterday, but different. They added an extra line in with a joke in French. Peter Sellers character was asking what the name of the game of pool is and they answered pool and then in the French he made a little crack about a chicken- poulet in French.
School ended at 5:30, an ungodly hour- it shouldn't be dark out when I'm still in school. I met up with Molly and walked around a bit and then we met Zara and the two of us went to Gospel (where there was a Christmas party)and Molly went to a Rotary meeting. I went home with the gospel teacher (my neighbor) that night so I had to stay till the very end. I ate like five oysters, which I surprisingly didn't find bad (if I did, I wouldn't have eaten five). I ended up going into the room for voice lessons and singing songs with Sophie and Zara as we waited for all the old ladies to stop eating and go home. I finally got home at 11:30. A little after mindnight, my host parents and Molly (who is sponsored by their club) came home from the Rotary meeting. Molly spent the night because she lives in a town in the mountains and she'd have gotten home really, really late. The two of us talked for a long time before we went to sleep.
Today was a great day too, filled with many papillotes, poetry readings, and electric guitar concerts. I'm too exhausted to explain! Bonne nuit! I'm going to Lyon tomorrow afternoon.