So today I was feeling quite tired and lazy- I really just felt like sitting at home doing nothing. But of couse Benoit and Catherine had something planned. The three of us went to Mt Semnoz, this mountain that rises up from the opposite side of the lake from Menthon. The plan was that we would drive up there, walk a little, and go home. After five minutes I felt I had walked enough, but then I started to have a good time and happily climed all over the mountainside. There were TONS of people, this weekend is really the last good weekend until it gets cold, and the last weekend my host parents can do anything but train for the New York Marathon (they ran 21km this morning). There were many other families and people flying romote control planes and paragliding. When Catherine first pointed at the planes and said we were walking to them I thought they were actually real planes, and I asked if there was an airport. I was wrong. The view was gorgeous, though it was a little cloudy. When you looked out all the mountains were a grayish color, except for Mt Blanc which was the only mountain in sunlight, and sparkling white.