Thursday, October 28, 2004
I've had a pretty good week of vacation so far. On Tuesday me, Maite, and Molly went out in the afternoon. We shopped a little, went to a cafe and played cards, then saw "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind". It was amazing, we all loved it. It was the only movie playing in town in VO (version originale), which means it was in English with French subtitles. The subtitles weren't always a literal translation, so a few times it was just me and Molly laughing in the theater at a funny line that just didn't translate through to French. After the movie we ate dinner and went back to my house, where Molly and Maite spent the night. We played "Cluedo", before we started we had to get out a dictionary and my host sister to help us discover that a Clef Anglaise is a lead pipe and Mme Pervenche is Mrs. Peacock. The next day we went to the Musée de la Cloche in Sevrier. We watched a 20 min movie about bells and then walked through the museum. Apparently the bell factory in Sevrier is really famous, I think they made the Liberty Bell there. Don't quote me on that though. After that we went to a big sporting goods store and I bought new snowboarding gloves that have this valve you breathe into to warm your hands up.