I have arrived in Annecy finally! Its going to be difficult to get used to the key board but I'll write a little. My mom wrote about saying goodbye at the airport on her blog so read about it there.
On my first flight I sat next to a pair of twin 11 year old girls from Mercer Island who were going to visit their cousins in Ann Arbor. After I told them I was moving to france for a year they told me that they had lived in France for two years when their dad had worked there and that I would love it. Hmph. How is it that little kids have already done this? They also compared clouds to Swedish TemperPedic Mattresses.
I was on that flight with about 7 other rotary students from Alaska, BC, and Washington, after the flight to Detroit we all got off and saw Rotary kids everytwhere, there were probably about 40, we all sat together and talked and played poker (I won, and it was my first time!)
Time for lunch, I'll add more later!