Several months ago I was chosen by Rotary to be an exchange student in France. After months of paperwork and preparation I am finally getting ready to leave. In 12 days on August 23rd I'll be saying goodbye to my family and friends in Seattle, Wa and moving to Annecy, a city of 133,000 in the Haute-Savoie region of France for the 2004-2005 school year.
We finally found out that my visa is in! And all my flights have been confirmed. The same doesn't go for my friend Chloe who will be spending next year in Pamplona, Spain. After tons of drama, Chloe will have to fly down to San Francisco on Thursday to go to the Spanish Consulate and get her visa in person. This is completely outrageous- and the fact that it happened to Chloe (who has had numerous problems with her exchange already) is terrible. Visit her Mom's blog for the whole story.