Lundi- 8-9 French Lit; 10-11 Espagnol; 13:30-17:30 Act Cult ou DS
Mardi- 8-9 Anglais; 9-11 French Lit; 11-12 Math; 13-14 Espagnol; 15:30-17:30 Travx Perso. Encadres
Mercredi- 8-9 Biologie or Physique-Chimie (alternates); 11-12 Hist/Geo
Jeudi- 8:30-10 Anglais; 10-12 Hist/Geo; 13:30-14:30 Anglais; 14:30-16:30 Math or French Lit (alternates); 16:30-17:30 Ed. Civiq. Juridiq. Soc. (every other week)
Vendredi- 8-9 Anglais; 9-11 French Lit; 11-12 Espagnol; 13:30-14:30 Hist/Geo
Samedi- 9-10 Anglais; 10-12 Ed. Phisique and Sport
School was good today! I met people, and everyone was nice. Everyone asks me tons of questions about the US. I still can't understand teachers, but people try and help me. I suppose I shouldn't expect complete comprehension after a week and a half! I got a package from home too, so, today was a very good day.